
Mt Pleasant Michigan's Energy Enhancement System is a 24 panel system, the largest available to the public. The EE System is discounted at only $50 an hour, cheaper than most smaller units. Our Sanctuary seats 36, has morning and afternoon sessions, as well as special pet nights, sound baths and free sessions once a month for Veterans.

Dr Bessheen Baker, Embassy of Life Mastery's Energy Enhancement System, Interview with Jason Shurka

Join Dr Baker as she sits down with Jason Shurka of the EE System, a new technology available to the public that generates Scalar and Biophoton waves that energize and revitalize your body's cells in a way that may help your body to repair DNA and allow your body to heal itself.

Revolution of Healing Part 1 - Energy Enhancement System (EES) Interview with creator Dr Michaels

This interview between Dr Michael and Jason Shurka explains the EE System technology and the mission of Energy Enhancement Technology. Part 1 of 2

Revolution of Healing Part 2 - Energy Enhancement System (EES) Interview with creator Dr Michael

This interview between Dr Michael and Jason Shurka explains the EE System technology and the mission of Energy Enhancement Technology. Part 2 of 2

Tony Robbins describes his EES Journey to healing

Dr Sandra Rose Michael Discussing Scalar Generators at Tesla Conference

James O'Keefe visits EES

Dr Sandra Rose Michael and EESystem on Discovery Channel
