Study Notes: Bio-Psycho-Spiritual Effects of the EES
Lana Marconi, Ph.D., Alvita Soleil, OMD
Abstract: The study explores the impact of the EES on adult health, demonstrating significant enhancements in biological and psycho-spiritual domains. The study documented notable improvements in blood parameters and personal growth attributes, underscoring some of the EES's health benefits.
Biological Effects:
Blood Cell Quality and Detoxification: Microscopy blood imaging revealed ten significant changes in the blood characteristics. Notably, enhancements in the morphology and fluidity of blood cells. For instance, red blood cells showed increased fluidity, which is crucial for efficient nutrient and oxygen transport throughout the body. This fluidity also facilitates the removal of toxins, as cells more effectively expel harmful substances into the bloodstream for elimination. The study noted an initial increase in blood toxins immediately following EES sessions, a typical response during detoxification as cells release stored toxins more rapidly than usual.
Blood Glucose Regulation: Another significant finding was the regulation of blood glucose levels. Participants showed a tendency towards normalized glucose levels after undergoing EES sessions. This regulatory effect suggests that the EES may help in stabilizing blood sugar, which is beneficial for metabolic health.
Psycho-Spiritual Effects:
Enhanced Inner-Directedness and Self-Actualization: The POI outcomes indicated substantial growth in inner-directedness, which reflects a person's shift from being motivated by external circumstances and pressures to being driven by internal values and aspirations. This shift is often associated with increased self-actualization, where individuals live more authentically and in alignment with their true selves.
Time Competency and Present Moment Awareness: Significant improvements in time competency suggest that participants were better able to live in the present moment. This shift away from being overly preoccupied with past regrets or future anxieties can lead to enhanced satisfaction and reduced stress levels.
Emotional and Mental Well-being: Reports included feelings of peace, increased energy, deep relaxation, and mental clarity. These experiences contribute to better mental health, suggesting that the EES may help in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression, promoting a more balanced emotional state. Participants also noted a heightened sense of spiritual well-being, experiencing moments of bliss and inner peace that contribute to overall life satisfaction.
These detailed observations underscore the multi-dimensional impact of the EES, suggesting its potential as a powerful tool not only for improving physical health through biological enhancements but also for fostering profound psycho-spiritual growth. Such comprehensive benefits highlight the EES's role in promoting holistic health and well-being, encouraging further exploration and research into its diverse applications and mechanisms.
The Energy Enhancement System (EES) has captured the attention of prominent individuals in wellness, medicine, and personal development. Doctors, scientists, spiritual leaders and wellness advocates reccomend EES as a means to promote deeper healing and energy renewal.
Tony Robbins: a world-renowned life coach, motivational speaker, and author. Robbins sustained a debilitating injury in his shoulder and spine, with irreversible chronic pain, until he found the EESystem. Robbins speaks highly about his healing with the Energy Enhancement System.
Dr. Carrie Madej: Osteopathic and internal medicine physician. After surviving a serious plane crash, Dr. Madej used the EESystem to aid her recovery, attributing it to accelerated healing. It helped restore her energy and resilience during her recovery as well.
Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD: Women’s health expert. Dr. Northrup values the EESystem for restoring health and vitality, especially in managing stress and fatigue. She says that it supports her wellness by enhancing mental clarity and resilience.
Scott McKay (Patriot Streetfighter): Political commentator and activist. After a critical motorcycle accident he attributes the EESystem for helping in his total recovery. He described the EESystem as a tool for sustaining his vitality, and helping him manage the physical demands of his work.
Dr. Wayne Dyer: was an influential self-help author and spiritual teacher. Dyer endorsed the EESystem, noting its impact on mental clarity and inner peace and praising its potential to assist those suffering from chronic conditions.
Dr. Thom Lobe, MD: An integrative medicine specialist focused on alternative therapies. Dr. Lobe has endorsed the EESystem for its ability to promote youthfulness, vitality, and health, particularly in patients with chronic conditions. He observed that it helped alleviate fatigue and improve a vast array of issues among his clients.
Prof. Terry Shintani, , MD, JD, MPH: A physician and professor known for his work in nutrition and holistic health. Dr. Shintani has conducted research on alternative healing modalities.
Dr. Shintani published a peer-reviewed study showing the EESystem’s effectiveness in reducing the frequency of grand-mal seizures in a young patient. He reported improvements in the intensity of seizures, supporting the EESystem’s potential in therapeutic applications.
Tips to Optimize Your Energy Enhancement System Visit
It all begins with an idea.
To enhance your experience at the Energy Enhancement System (EES), a few thoughtful steps can support your healing journey.
Arrive Early
Arriving early gives you up to 30 minutes of extra time in the EES, a valuable opportunity you can take advantage of each visit. Use this time to relax, get comfortable, and set your affirmations, ensuring you're fully prepared for your session.
When you are in the Theta and Delta wave states of sleep, that is your body’s natural healing state. By falling asleep in the EES you are maximizing this healing environment.
You have the added bonus of picking up a temporary scalar charge, which your body retains for several days. While not as potent as during the session, this charge continues to support healing, especially during sleep, over the next few days. Listen to your body—if it craves more rest, allow it. The more you sleep during this window the more you get from your session.
Water is conductive, so by coming to your session well hydrated, your cells are more receptive to the biophotonic and scalar energies. Water is also crucial for flushing out your system.
We recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces each day, for the week prior to your visit.
Example: If you are 150 pounds, cut that in half to 75. You should drink 75 ounces a day. Keep this up for a few days after.
Draw Out Toxins
As your cells relearn their functions, they begin to expel toxins.
The inventor, Dr. Michael, recommends a salt bath either on the night of your session or the following day. A 30-minute soak helps to pull out toxins, preventing them from settling in your joints or bloodstream. Some people feel tired or achy if they skip this step. Epsom salts are not a substitute for sea salts.
Eat whole, living foods
Nourishing your body with fresh fruits and vegetables keeps you mineralized. Cells that are well mineralized have more developed crystalline structures within them, leading them to be able to retain a higher millivoltage, and further enhancing cellular function. This is why we offer all-organic lunches, prepared by a local chef using locally sourced ingredients.
Charge Your Water
Anything within the scalar field takes on a temporary charge, including water. We encourage you to bring a gallon of water or two and leave it in your car during your session. Water is restructured in the field, making it more absorbent, whichsupports better detoxification.
Scalar energy also enhances the absorbency of substances like liquids, supplements, and medication. If you are charging crystals or gems, please understand the charge is temporary and should not be sold as scalar-charged items. The jewelry we have for sale are super charged in a special device owned by the inventor. We encourage you to bring things to charge in your car during your visit, but we ask you not bring them inside.
Pets should not be left in vehicles or in kennels outside. This is distressing to guests and staff. Tuesday nights pets are welcome at 6pm and you can enjoy our buy 2 get 1 free special.
Brain synchronization
Studies show that within about 8 minutes, EES users reach brain wave states similar to those of Buddhist monks in meditation. This is when both hemispheres of the brain synchronize. People who are experienced in meditation often comment on how much quicker it happens when they are here.
You do not have to meditate. You can use this synchronization time to pray, express gratitude, and visualize life with your problem area healed. People who enter into this brain state regularly, show in studies to have more balanced moods and less anxiety.
If this is new to you, this is a state in which your mind stays awake, but the body falls asleep. You might think you are awake the whole time. But, you might find you don't have a hundred thoughts running through your head, you may even struggle to stay in one thought, or feel like you are falling in and out of sleep. You are less conscious than when fully awake. We have a lot of people, especially husbands, who come out of the system saying they were awake the whole time, only for the wife to laugh and say he was snoring half of it.
Set Intentions
The number one way to take advantage of this synchronization is to set your intentions before you enter. Setting intentions before you go in can help you to remember to return to those thoughts and goals while in that half awake state. When setting your intentions, pose your thought in a way that affirms a positive outcome. Don't focus on what is wrong; instead, state that you are grateful that it is healed, and visualize what it is like to be better.
On the front desk, we have a deck of affirmations you can draw from if you want inspiration.
Audio Aids
During this time, you can also explore audio aids for healing and experiences. We discourage the use of phones in the sanctuary, and there will be no reception in the sanctuary to use YouTube. But you can download audio tracks in advance and play them in headphones. We ask that if you do this, you use your device in a way that no one else knows you are. Keep light hidden under the blanket, and make sure all notification sounds and alarms are turned off. We have MP3 players available that have vetted healing affirmations, biblical quotes, guided meditations, binaural beats, healing solfeggio frequencies, and more.
Help Others Heal
Remember, many people travel long distances and are investing in their health to be here. You can honor this shared journey by keeping noise to a minimum. Snoring is natural, but talking, using devices, rattling bags, or making excessive noise can be distracting. If you need to talk or use your phone, please step into the lobby.
If others are talking, you probably aren’t the only one who may be distracted by it. We encourage you to tell us so that we can step in and remind them of our policies.
Expose your arms or face
Keeping your face and arms exposed during the session allows the bio-photons to absorb into your skin, similar to how sunlight works. Showing extra skin will not make it more effective.
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For updates, specials, and last-minute sales, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook. Staying connected helps you continue to optimize your EES experience.