The Embassy of Life Mastery
About ELM
Mission Statement
The mission of The Embassy of Life Mastery is to guide those seeking a personalized transformative experience to cultivate physical, mental, and spiritual growth, leading to self mastery. Through this process, one will be able to harmonize the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding necessary to steward community and planetary healing.
Who Are We
A diverse team of masters with focuses ranging from vibrational medicine, plant wisdom, divine technology, ancient philosophies, and much more. At the forefront of this team is Bessheen Baker, Amy Jo Howard, and Lori Becker, amongst a roundtable of 13 masters.
The Embassy of Life Mastery
This program has 3 levels of development consisting of 13 departments. This unique embassy teaches on topics ranging from Astrology, Spiritual Agriculture, Ego Mastery, Cosmology, Consciousness Development and much more.
Three Levels of Development
Delegate of Light
Completion of three introductory one-day courses in all thirteen departments plus thirty-nine additional one-day classes for a total of seventy-eight classes.
Ambassador of Hope
Completion of Delegate of Light and fulfillment of three additional one-day classes in all thirteen departments. Now, choose thirty-nine one-day classes for a total of seventy-eight new classes and a
Community Project.
Emissary of Love
Now, with the Delegate of Light and Ambassador of Hope requirements fulfilled, you may be asked to return as a representative of the Embassy. You will need to complete three additional one-day classes in all thirteen departments, plus thirty-nine more one-day classes for a total of seventy-eight final classes and embark on your Planetary Project.
The Embassy of Life Mastery classes are open to the public.
A class consists of one-day of instruction. Classes that require two days of instruction will count as two classes to fulfill the requirements for each of the levels
(Delegate of Light, Ambassador of Hope, and Emissary of Love).
A one-day class is only $125. Students enrolled in the Life Mastery program will receive a discount on each class.
I choose to follow a path of Life Mastery
Accountability Team
Upon enrollment in the ELM, each person will receive an Accountability team.
Your team will consist of:
an Expander ♦ who challenges you and invites you to stretch your limitations.
an Inspiritor ♦ who speaks your love language and encourages and supports your journey.
an Envisioner ♦ who helps you form and hold a larger perspective of yourself.
I choose to be a part of common unity
Navigation Tool for Life
Based on your personal planet cartography, astrology allows you to discover how to navigate your life. The placement of your planets gives indications as to your interests, what types of relationships you may attract, physical challenges you may encounter, and much more information. With this knowledge, you are able to address each area of your life in a more balanced manner. Astrology gives you information, as in a forecast, that then, enables you to choose how best to deal with people, situations, and circumstances in order to experience the life you aspire to live.
The practice of ancient alchemy served as a code for the process someone was undertaking to transform themselves internally. The means by which one transmutes the self lends to the ability to take the physical form into a higher place. Physical alchemy looks at taking three parts of a whole, as in the combination of salt, mercury, and sulphur, and recombining them to better the whole that has formed. Courses in this department will delve into both the inner and outer applications of alchemy, including using laboratory processes and ancient chemistry, akin to the teachings of Paracelsus, to learn the process of creating spagyrics.
Planetary Medicine
From Root to Resonance
Explore all the ways that plants provide medicine in these courses. From physical root to vibration, herbs from around the world will be presented so that you understand each one philosophically and energetically, know how to grow and harvest them, and also, how to make medicines from each plant, including herbs, oils, flower remedies, and more. Then, gain proficiency in the applications and uses for these medicines so that you may incorporate the wisdom and benefits of these plants into all aspects of your life.
Energy Mechanics
Physics of the Unseen World
These courses will delve into the seen and unseen of how the physical and spiritual worlds are constructed and interact. Determine how frequencies, angles, our own biology, and other factors interplay to create the beautiful world we experience. Learn tools, such as dowsing, cymatics, and biogeometry to go into resonance with energy fields and also, how to amplify coherent resonance. By harnessing the power of the invisible dimensions, you will be able to restore balance to yourself and the world around you.
The 36,000 Foot View of Interconnectedness
What is the origin of the Universe, and why are you a unique and necessary component of it? As you come to understand the principles of Nature and how the Universe is governed, you will see how the Universe is a template for the Divine and how all creation is ordered. Knowledge of physics and astronomy will be combined in a way that inspires the realization of the reflective relationship between the microcosm and the macrocosm. Discover your place and purpose in the emanation of the Divine into manifestation.
Communicative Arts
The Art of Being a Bard
Delve into different forms of expression and how you utilize them to manifest your world. Honing observation and listening skills, speaking with integrity, and knowing when to yield are a few important parts of communication. Explore chanting, singing, narrative medicine, eurythmy, non-verbal communication and body language, as well as other art forms used to express your deepest self. The message at the heart of who you are is receiving its inspiration from the Divine; learn various methods of how to share and facilitate that message with the world.
Consciousness Development
Advancement of the Soul
Using this lifetime as a tool with which to transcend the ego and the third dimension is a great undertaking. Life assignments, contracts, and soul agreements all forge together to offer experiences ripe for developing one’s consciousness. Through practices, such as mindfulness, meditation, movement, and discussion, evaluate where you are on a consciousness scale and have witnesses who will measure your progress. What will it feel like to be seen and honored for who you truly are? As you endeavor to ascend upon your path, the strides made by grit and strength will be minuscule compared to the evolution incurred from willing to be vulnerable and exposing the sensitivity of your soul.
The Art of Sharing Yourself
Life is a process of development, and the courses in this department examine how to nurture one through every stage. In nurturing the young, learn about midwifery, birthing, and the early developmental stages of the child. Waldorf skills, creating an environment for a child to develop naturally, and restoring joy to growing up are considerations. Then, establish how to honor elders in a community, affirm their purpose, and keep them active in a way that values their skills and wisdom. Undertake how to consciously work with the development process throughout all stages in building and caring for a common-unity.
Spiritual Agriculture
Stewarding Land and Soul
With hands-on courses, you will be able to apply and experience the tenets of permaculture, biodynamics, and animal husbandry. Broadening your perspectives on how to integrate the elements and work with the elemental kingdoms will elevate your understanding of agriculture in a manner that allows you to align with the rhythms of nature. Earthly balance is a necessary foundation in the pursuit of inner work before more advanced development can occur. As you master the practice of sustainable stewardship, you will nurture the fruition of mutually beneficial relationships and the tangible provisions they supply.
Temple Maintenance
Inner Discipline Sculpting Strength
In the pursuit of mastery, it is important to remember that one’s physical body, or temple, requires maintenance and care. Balance on mental, emotional, and spiritual levels, likewise, necessitates a balance on the physical level. Structural health should be considered in relation to nourishment, such as hydration and nutrition, as well as cleansing or detoxification of accumulated toxins and unwanted materials. Physical fitness and movement, including a range of practices like aerobics, yoga, qi gong, and breathwork, enhance the flow of energy through the body and prevent stagnation. The discipline required to maintain a life practice that strengthens one’s temple is a valuable component in advancing one’s consciousness.
Awakening Your Ancestral Skills
Awaken your primitive senses by forming creations that leave a physical legacy. Develop hands-on skills in various arts, including metal, woodwork, stone masonry, and other crafts that will instill confidence in the ability to build tangible works. Grounded in the proficiency of stewardship, skills embodied here foster the capacity of the physical body to set roots from which to create. Within this creativity, the expression calls for a focus on the present, which then allows the art to emerge from the skill.
Ego Mastery
Understanding Your Deepest Self
The human ego goes through radical changes over time, and there are sensitive stages of ego development that should be “fed differently at different times.” According to Douglas Gabriel, modern spiritual initiate teacher, “No other topic is more discussed and so little understood. Egotism, egoism, the self, the I Am, the lower self and the higher self, the soul and the spirit are all part of the equation of the human ego.” Understanding the evolution of the ego is essential to self mastery, giving the individual the ability to then apply this to community projects and planetary change.
Investigative History
Discovering the Roots of Humanity
Without understanding our collective human history, we are unable to move into the next evolution of consciousness. This department will explore the history of human development, including the hidden pieces that could have accelerated planetary consciousness as well as the works of Pythagoras, the Essenes, Zoroaster, da Vinci, Steiner, and more. Because the ELM is not a mystery school and the mysteries of history belong to all people, opening the truth about our past will allow humankind to build a future of hope and prosperity.