
The Energy Enhancement System (EES) at the Embassy of Life Mastery has been open since August 2022. We know more than anything you are curious what our 24 panel system has done for others.

There are many stories we’ve heard and witnessed in person but we’ve only begun receiving written testimonials via e-mail. If you are our next testimonial please email contact@elmastery.org.

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Elise Bennett Elise Bennett

Energy gone up!

I am 71 years old and I have been to Embassy of Life Mastery several times since the center opened in August. I have 20 plus hours in by now. Every time I have had a session, which is usually 4 hour sessions, I have left feeling more energetic for the next few days. Each time my energy has increased. Since coming for sessions I have noticed that I have more energy and stamina and the biggest thing I noticed was how much easier harvesting my garden was this year. Thank you Dr. Baker, Robert, Christian, Courtney and Elise. Bless you all.
R.H - Michigan

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Elise Bennett Elise Bennett

Clearer Vision, Clearer mind

I completed my first 4 hour session. Before the session I was struggling with my vision, it felt like my eyes weren't focusing together which can happen with Hashimotos, and my neck was stiff and sore giving me a mild headache. I almost cancelled the session. I also had low energy. After completing the session my vision was focused as well as my mind and I had no problems driving home in the dark, neck pain was minimal, headache gone. The day after I had incredible energy all day, good energy-not jittery. Today I still have good energy, not desperate for a nap as I was in the past. This energy has lifted my spirits too, wondering if low energy was the cause of low emotions. Also, I feel like my gastrointestinal system is working better. Thank Embassy of Life Mastery and Dr. Michael!
L.H. - Muskegon

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Elise Bennett Elise Bennett

I danced all night! Pain reduction

I can’t tell you how different I’ve felt. My entire family has noticed. Before these sessions, I couldn’t eat without running to the bathroom in pain for about 3-4 hours on average after a small meal. This has decreased drastically since my last sessions. Before coming, I had zero energy. It was a feat if I got myself showered and dressed for the day. I didn’t even have the energy to make myself a quick meal or boil water for a cup of tea. The pressure in my sacrum from the scar tissue was so bad, I couldn’t stand for more than 3 minutes at a time without looking for a chair to sit in.

I went to a Halloween party Saturday evening and not only did I stand the whole time, I danced the night away.

I have some quality of life back and I am so grateful.

-J. Savel

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Elise Bennett Elise Bennett

Quality of Life Returning

Just to let you know, ‘R’ was at the healing center for Veterans Day had a very good day on Friday. He was awake and alert, did eat some, went out on his tractor, and even drove the car to get the supplements Dr. Baker suggested. They were all so pleased. 😀💗

Such a great story! 🤗

-R. Woodward, Michigan

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Elise Bennett Elise Bennett

Vision, Blood Pressure, Neuropathy, Pain, Energy

My findings at the start was being able to see better at a distance, not so much at closer up still have to have glasses for reading.

My blood pressure has dropped not to what is considered normal but for me a big difference. I do take BP pills but a very small dosage I did not want to take medication at all but had to because it was getting way too high.

My numb foot is 90% better I have feeling now, sometimes it gets worse but after walking on it goes away and feeling is back. I feel it will be all better in time.

Leg pain is at a low. Rarely have cramps now. I was at the point of having to use a walking stick to be able to walk. Now I can walk without pain, ride my bike. I use cane/ stick for balance at times on rough ground. Now able to get in and out of a car easy before was unable too. Was at point of getting a disability sticker.

I am noticing am not as tired during day as used to have to take naps not so much anymore .

Bottom line I feel 100% better then when I started but will continue doing the hours because I want to feel even better. I notice a number of little things just can’t put my finger on but know the body is healing.

-S. Schultz, 56 Hours

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