Connie - Decreased Inflammation
I really didn’t think it was real. However, it changed many things in my body, and I had the best naps ever! The most noticeable thing is that it has decreased inflammation in my legs, ankles, and feet! My shoes don’t even fit, it has been so drastic :-) my ankles are thin again!
At first, not really understanding what to expect, I was very pleasantly surprised! I walked into the room and immediately felt my hairline and my eyelashes tingling. After a while, my right arm had some discomfort in it, but I was willing to embrace the experience so that I could heal. I did not understand why my arm felt that way because I don’t recall anything happening with my arm. Then my fingertips started falling asleep and I was starting to get concerned. This was just nature taking its course. After our first two-hour session, my sinuses were incredibly clear, and my mind clarity was impeccable. I was speaking with Courtney telling her all the things that I had experienced with my fingers & arm, and she asked, well did you have a trauma in the arm? I couldn’t think of anything at the time, but as I thought about it, I remembered I had gone through a glass door with my wrist when I was little and had stitches in my wrist. She had explained it was my body healing up in there! Now that’s been about 6 weeks and we’ve done three visits; I noticeably do not have my hands falling asleep like they often used to!
Each time there's been something (or seemingly nothing) different and unusual, but I notice more in the following days. I look forward to more visits and getting this body back in track!